



Please note, forms which have been scanned and posted are to provide the source of additional information to facilitate contacting and/or attending the activity. It is not expected to be a usable form. 

Please contact the appropriate phone number on the form/flyer for additional information.

Or use the information to search the internet for the actual event.

Whenever possible, I have added the actual form to download and print out.



 Currently there are no forms




A brief overview of the website tabs


Information about our post which is NOT specifically a reoccurring scheduled date.....such as change in Kitchen hours, announcement of new officers being posted, announcement of upcoming elections, announcement of the Social Qtrs closing early, announcement if major repairs are planned, notices to members of an increase in costs, Notice of Fund Raising Events.. results of fund raising events...Notice of ancillary activities, Notice of a member being honored for whatever! Notice of a cancelation of an event...Notice of request of bid on work...Notices to members of the upcoming elections. Notices of special meetings or special guest speakers!



SCHEDULED DATES; Meetings and Post #9 events at a glance. I try to maintain it as exclusively POST 9 events unless there is a specific tie to our post with an outside event...!  Events for the CALENDAR require: Date, start time, length of event/meeting, brief info on event, location held, and contact person/ph#.



More detailed information on Special Events, these are normally non-reoccurring events. (i.e not every week or every month)...Events like the car show, Christmas Party, Craft shows, Dances, the Installation of Officers Dinner. If it is next month or three months away, on the calendar it would not be seen viewing the current month. Also the calendar is extremely limited on area for event details.



I pulled the Committees TAB together with the others, with the belief that Committees are the lifeblood of most organizations and based on their importance a separate TAB is essential. They are the backbone of Veterans organization. Our Honor Guard is a prime example of fantastic teamwork..working together for a common goal...; Committee's can do the same! This TAB could someday be the most important TAB for the dissemination of timely information on our website. This area can include the names of the Committee Chairs, including names of members serving on those Committees and duties and objectives of the Committee. (e.g. Membership Chair/increasing membership, Newsletter Chair/creating our newsletter, Public Relations Chair/announcement to the Press of our events and activities, Program Chair/brings in guest speakers......This will show our members we look forward to having members ACTIVELY involved with various Committees serving our Post and our Community. And hopefully serve as an inspiration and conduit for increasing membership & membership involvement.



Newsletter, self-explanatory. This TAB could be merged into POST NOTICES...however, then if someone suggests to a another member “you should look at our newsletter’ or Information is in the newsletter online..., that will require knowing it is within another tab or constantly explaining its location!



Not specifically applying to our POST... ..yet important Community related, and of interest to our membership. (e.g Links to other Veterans Organizations, and other Veterans websites in our Community...News related to Veterans. Maybe, the deployment of a local unit to a war zone....the Veteran's Memorial being built in Easton, ect.