




~Brown & Lynch Post 9, Home Association Board of Governors



Note from the Legion Riders

Hello Riders and Friends!

Please follow us on facebook at ALR Post 9. If you would like to join our mailing list please drop us a line at alrpost9pa@gmail.com. Ride safe!

American Legion Riders of the  Palmer Township Brown & Lynch Post 9  are now collecting new and used clothing, expecially in need of larger sizes 3&4x and toilet paper, baby wipes in pouches, powder, shampoo/body wash, razors, any zip top canned goods, peanut butter in plastic jars, pouches of tuna, flashlights & batteries, sleeping bags, tents, backpacks, boots & sneakers for the Valor Clinic. You will find boxes in the social quarters and the main hallway of the post. There are flyers attached to the boxes please feel free to take one. It lists all the items that are most needed by the Valor Clinic.

The Valor Clinic is an organization based out of Brodheadsville Pa. that actively seeks out homeless Veterans to give them any help that they need. From food and clothing medical and mental health care, a place to stay, and help with the VA -literally anything they need. We have been and will continue to work with the folks at Valor. It truly is a fantastic organization. All of their proceeds go directly to the cause. Please help us help them!


Post 9 Honor Guard

Our chedule is posted as provided by the Honor Guard -refer to the Honor/Schedule. You will see the vast number of hours devoted to our post, to our community, and to the families of veterans. We are blessed to have such a dedicated group seving as our Honor Guard!


Color Guard. Left to Right: Frank Merritt, Earle Brotzman, Wayne Schoedler, Frank Bolcer, Al Van Horne, Jim Wilber, Ron Gercie, Ken Wilt, Dave Bennett. Photo was taken in our Hall in 2010.